

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks
Weight Gained 27 lbs. I lost two pounds since last week (and did a quick happy dance after the doctor left the room), but I still feel quite large! Believe me, I'm still stuffing my face like there's no tomorrow most of the day, but this heat is killing my dinnertime appetite. 
Maternity clothes? Yes and I'm SO over them.
Stretch marks? The ones around my belly button are getting pretty weird, but the other ones are still acceptable. 
Sleep Status It's basically a knockdown, drag-out fight from about 9PM to 6AM, at which point I'm so physically exhausted from waking up and getting in and out of bed so many times that I finally pass out for a solid two hours. Even with the help of my good friend Tylenol PM, I still wake up at least six times a night to pee/change positions/whine about being uncomfortable. 
Best Moments this Week Memorial Day weekend! I've been dying to spend some time poolside, so that's basically all I did. Adam (little brother #1) turned 19 this weekend, so we had a big family cookout for him on Monday. 
Miss Anything? SLEEP. I've accepted the fact that I won't be getting any for at least 18 years though, so I'm over it.
Food Cravings There's not much I wouldn't do for some Rita's.
Aversions meat, seafood, heavy dairy
Showing? I'm pretty hard to miss these days.
Rings? Off =[  Finally succumbed to the fact that they were cutting off the circulation to my sausage-like fingers, so I took this opportunity to send them away to be radium plated and cleaned. They'll be back and shiny, just after Little Man makes his big debut.
Belly Button? Weird
Labor Signs I've had some contractions lately, but they aren't anything to get excited about. At my appointment yesterday, my super-awesome doctor agreed to "stir things up" and stripped my membranes, which is supposed to get things moving. I've heard that it's really painful, but I didn't think so (sissies). For some women it works like a charm and you're in L&D in no time, but for others it does absolutely nothing. It's been about 18 hours and nothing yet, but we'll see! Keeping my chubby fingers crossed.
Symptoms Heartburn, back and hip pain, minor swelling. Little Man continues to stretch and squirm in there, and it feels like he's bruising me from the inside! I'd like to think he's trying to bust out,  but something tells me he's going to hang out in there as long as possible. 
Mood Generally good, but so so BORED. People ask me if I'm nervous about all the labor and delivery stuff, but to be honest? I really don't care at this point-- I just want him to be here already.
Looking forward to... Little Man's arrival!


10 Things

10 Things I Want My Son to Know

Be brave. Every day is a new adventure. Some days will be easy, and others will be scary, but that's okay! You are strong and capable and prepared for everything that comes your way. And on days that you don't feel like you are? That's what I'm here for.

Being smart doesn't make you a nerd. If anyone tells you otherwise, just brush it off and know that this person will probably peak in high school and spend the rest of his life working at McDonald's.

I don't know everything. Even though I will probably spend most of your childhood pretending that I do, I don't have all the answers. There will be times when you will have to find them for yourself.

Be a gentleman. Or I will cut it off.

You are going to do great things. Whether you aspire to be a prima ballerina or feed a third world country, know that I will always, always, always cheer you on.

Work hard for the things that you want. It builds character. So many people grow up with a sense of entitlement, like the world owes them something, and I think it's kind of sad. Handouts are for losers. Your father and I have worked hard for everything we have. Don't be ashamed to accept hand-me-down furniture and live on Ramen Noodles for a while-- everyone starts somewhere. And after you bust your butt for a little while to buy your first couch or TV or whatever? Just think how proud you'll be.

You will always be my sweet little boy. Period. Even when you're 6'4" and all grown up, I will still think of you as my little man.

[Yep, that's your dad, circa 1990. Who would have thought this chunker would end up tall and lean?]

Never stop exploring. Whether it means simply venturing outside of the sandbox or driving across the country, do everything you can to experience the world around you (but be responsible and please don't give your poor mother a heart attack). The teacher in me will be the first to say we learn best by finding things for ourselves. The mother in me will need to be reminded of that once in a while =]

Be kind. It's the oldest saying in the book, but you should always treat others the way you want to be treated. Hold the door open. Tip generously. Send thank-you cards. It's the little things that mean the most.

I will always love you. Even when you do stupid things (you will) and I freak out (I will), know that there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. You are my heart.


37 Weeks

With just three short weeks to go, this mama is starting to get really anxious! I'm totally over being pregnant, and it's driving me bananas that I don't know what Little Man's face looks like. We've been fortunate enough to have the most normal pregnancy EVER, but that also means we only got two measly ultrasounds. I haven't seen this little booger in seventeen weeks! He's been head-down since week 28, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe he's just so cozy in there that he won't ever come out.

The root of the problem? I'm a control freak. HUGE. The fact that I have no control over what happens from here on out is making me crazy. I worked my last serving shift on Saturday, and even though I'm substitute teaching a few more days this month I basically have nothing to do until this baby gets here. Everyone keeps saying that I should spend the next few weeks squeezing in some serious "me time," but I feel so distracted. No matter what I do, I find myself thinking of new going-into-labor scenarios. Where am I going to be? Will Mike be home? How will I know it's time? Seriously going crazy here.

Good things come to those who wait, I suppose.. I just hope Little Man doesn't make me wait too much longer!

How far along? 37 Weeks, which means this mama is FULL TERM!
Weight Gained 29 lbs. Not too bad, considering my latest cravings include chocolate icing and Little Debbie snack cakes.
Maternity clothes? Ohh yes. Running low on options these days, and it's getting depressing that I can't fit into any of my cute summer clothes! Basically accepting the fact that I'm going to look like a slob kabob until Little Man finally gets here.
Stretch marks? Don't want to talk about it. I'm just glad they aren't the scary red/purple ones! 
Sleep Status Rolling over officially requires a three-point turn, which usually wakes up my husband. Sorry I'm not sorry, honey. Thanks to Tylenol PM I can sleep through the night.. otherwise I'm grumpy and mean, and no one likes that!
Best Moments this Week My baby shower! I knew something fishy was going on.. turns out my husband was in on it the whole time, and my mom managed to get a lot of special people together to celebrate the newest member of the fam =] We got a TON of stuff for Little Man, and seriously couldn't be more grateful! 
Miss Anything? Having more than five outfits to choose from, and the attention span to accomplish ANYTHING! With baby on the brain 24/7, I feel like I can't think about anything else.
Food Cravings chocolate icing, snack cakes, apple juice
Aversions meat, seafood, heavy dairy
Showing? Duh! Not complaining though. Lately, when strangers ask how far along I am, they're shocked to hear I only have three weeks to go. Most people assume I'm not due til August (how miserable would that be?!) which must mean I'm not as whale-like as I thought.
Rings? On, sometimes. The onset of summer heat is starting to make my hands swell, so there are times the rings have to stay off =[
Belly Button? Weird
Labor Signs Nothing exciting this week. At our appointment yesterday, the midwife said he's definitely head down and ready, but my cervix is still closed up tight. Believe me when I say we're doing everything we can to get him here faster! Something tells me he's going to be stubborn like his mama and make us wait it out.
Symptoms Heartburn, back and hip pain, minor swelling. 
Mood Generally good, just super anxious.
Looking forward to... seeing my grandmother tomorrow! She's flying up from FL and will be here until the end of June. Also excited that it's Memorial Day weekend! Just got a semi-cute maternity tankini today and I can't wait to spend the weekend by the pool =]


36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks, and Little Man is the size of a watermelon!
Weight Gained 25+ lbs. Kind of scared to step on the scale at my next appointment, thanks to my recent chocolate icing binge. Oops.
Maternity clothes? All I have to say is, THANK GOD for Old Navy! They have some of the best maternity clothes, and they're super cheap. Starting to run low on options now that the belly has taken on a life of its own, so I'm starting to feel like I wear the same five outfits over and over.. time to get creative!
Stretch marks? Still not terrible, but they're there.
Sleep Status Little Man has been sitting so low on my ligaments that I dreadddd sitting up in bed. Just that shift in his weight from laying down to sitting up is enough to make me cringe. Still waking up pretty frequently, but-- thanks to a body pillow-- I'm a little more comfortable.
Best Moments this Week My first Mother's Day! I had to work in the morning, but I came home to some beautiful flowers and a card.
Miss Anything? Hugging my husband without a buffer in between us, sleeping through the night, being able to see and reach my feet. I am going to miss feeling this squirmy little man's kicks and jabs! It's hard to believe it's almost time for him to break out (trust me, he's trying)!
Food Cravings chocolate icing (yep, you heard right), s'mores poptarts, milk, soda
Aversions meat, seafood, heavy dairy
Showing? Whoa, baby!
Rings? On
Belly Button? Weird
Labor Signs Had Braxton Hicks all day yesterday, and by the end of the day I was so miserable! My mom basically just scolded me for doing too much (I did kind of teach all day and then waited tables til 10) and told me to get some rest. The contractions have stopped, but my muscles are so sore. The "big show" is gonna be reeeeeal fun.
Symptoms Braxton Hicks, heartburn, sciatic nerve pain, and it feels like he's working his way a little bit lower each day. Hoping the doctor sees some kind of progress at my appointment next week!
Mood Generally good, but exhausted.
Looking forward to... my baby shower on Sunday! There are officially sneaky things going on, and I can't wait to find out what they are!


35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks! Only 35 days to go.. yikes!
Weight Gained 25 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Ohh yes. Starting to get annoyed when shirts are tight against my stomach. In fact, I'm starting to get annoyed by a lot of things these days.
Stretch marks? Yep. They're there. Not everywhere, but they're there.
Sleep Status Sleeping is definitely not my favorite activity. I usually have trouble falling asleep, wake up to change positions at least fifteen times, and finally wake up at some ungodly hour (like 4:30, for instance) and then can't fall back asleep. It's a real fun time.
Best Moments this Week Maternity pictures! They turned out so well, and we had a lot of fun shooting them. So glad we finally got them in (and I don't look like a total heifer.. in all of them).
Miss Anything? Being able to get in and out of bed without huffing and puffing, being able to sit comfortably for more than five minutes.. you know, the simple things.
Food Cravings cupcakes, apple juice, WATER. Can't get enough!
Aversions meat, seafood (except fish and chips), and heavy dairy
Showing? Yep! I feel a growth spurt coming on.. be scared.
Rings? On
Belly Button? Weird and sort of poking out.
Labor Signs Lots of super annoying Braxton-Hicks. Doctor said that pre-term labor isn't a concern anymore, and everything is as normal as can be.
Symptoms A pleasant stabbing pain at the top of my uterus as it continues to expand, heartburn that has turned sleeping into a sitting-up activity, and generally feeling BLAH.
Mood Good, but ready for this to be over. I don't mean to rush the next five weeks but.. is it June yet?
Looking forward to... my first mother's day! And my baby shower in 11 short days. I'm starting to think something semi-sneaky is going on, but we will see =]


Maternity Pictures

We finally got around to doing our maternity pictures this weekend, and they turned out really well! We seriously can't thank Jonathan enough for taking the time to be a part of this. With a little amateur editing on my part, here are a few of our favorites:

I conveniently left out the pictures that feature my fourth chin, and the unflattering shots of my fat pregnant, lumpy backside (wouldn't you?). We took close to 300 pictures that day, and trust me-- some of them are not pretty!

Believe me when I say I paid for this day in more ways than one-- my feet were swollen like an ogre's, and my uterus was Braxton Hicks-ing out of controlllll for most of the night. On the bright side? There are only five-and-a-half weeks to go! 

Daddy and I are waiting very patiently impatiently for your arrival, Little Man. We love you so much already we can hardly stand it <3


34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks
Weight Gained 21+ lbs.
Maternity clothes? Just made some final additions to get me through these last few weeks! I found a dress on clearance at Target that is going to be perfect for my baby shower, and do you know what it cost? EIGHT DOLLARS. Boom. 
Stretch marks? Trying to come to terms with them. Trying.
Sleep Status Finally got to sleep in this week, and I've loved every single minute! I could do without the 3AM heartburn, though.
Best Moments this Week Decompressing after a long month of student teaching, and realizing we can officially say we're having a baby next month. Next month! Weird.
Miss anything? Tanning. Judge me if you will, but these pasty white legs of mine could easily blind someone.

Food Cravings Birch beer and chili dogs-- YUM.
Aversions meat, dairy, and seafood
Showing? It's pretty hard to hide a cantaloupe-sized baby. Apparently I'm carrying it well, at least according to an older hispanic lady at Panera who thought I was only 5 months along. Thanks lady =]
Rings? Still on! My fingers get kind of swollen and fat at night, but they're back to normal by the time I wake up.
Belly Button? Starting to protrude and it's super gross.
Labor Signs Nothing this week. Doing my best to stay hydrated so I don't throw myself into another episode of Braxton-Hicks. Pretty scary to think that real labor is only a month and a half away!
Symptoms Heartburn, heartburn, heartburn, with a side of general aches and pains
Mood Good!
Looking forward to... the end of the semester, so I can finally get this house baby-ready! Only one week of finals and an entrance interview to go!

wild things.

I hung out with some kindergartners yesterday, and I'm not going to lie-- I was really dreading it. Little people (especially in large groups) are not really my thing. With an hour to fill, I figured some kind of story-time situation would be my best bet. I searched through a few tubs of books, and got pretty excited when I came upon the Wild Things. WIN.

In case you've never read this little gem, it's pretty short and sweet. There's a kid named Max, and he's a little mischievous. Naturally, his mom isn't super psyched about this, so he gets sent to bed without dinner. This isn't a big problem for Max, because he has a pretty wild imagination-- which takes him on an adventure to where the wild things are. At first, the wild things are a little scary-- but they think Max is a pretty cool kid and make him king of the wild things. They party down for a while (enter, the wild rumpus), but eventually Max gets homesick and makes his way home, where a hot dinner is waiting for him (because he has an awesome mom, obv).

This was the first time these kids had heard about the wild things, and they were hanging on every word. They thought Max was cool, and felt bad for him when his mother sent him to bed, and geeked out over the first picture of the wild things. At first, they were way scared of them; when I asked them if they would be friends with the wild things, they screamed NO! and said they were big and hairy and looked weird. But by the time we got to the wild rumpus, they decided the wild things were alright after all. We even had a wild rumpus of our own (and I decided the world would probably be a better place if grown-ups had these once in a while too). And then something special happened-- as I was reading the part where Max decides to go home, the kids got kind of sad; they told me that Max should have stayed with the wild things forever. 

"But I thought the wild things were big and hairy and looked weird?"

Without skipping a beat, one little guy jumped in and said, "So what if they looked weird? They were really cool!"

Part of me wanted to save that moment and bottle it up. How often do we forget that stuff? You can preach to kids about bullying and "character counts" until you're blue in the face-- at the end of the day, those are lessons they have to learn on their own. Let's face it-- there are 85-year-olds who still haven't figured it out.

Ten years from now, when these kids are evil teenagers, I hope they remember this. When they're picking teams in gym class, deciding who to ask to prom... I hope they think about the wild things, and remember that it's the inside that counts. And when they forget? I hope there's a five-year-old around to remind them.