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Ok so I didn't die. I wasn't kidnapped or held hostage or living in a third world country without access to the Internet. I was just buried under a giant heap of schoolwork and this is the first time I've had a chance to write something that is not a) a lesson plan or b) a reflection about student teaching. 


My first student teaching experience has come to a close, which means I only have one left (ONE!) before graduation. As reluctant as I was to work with kindergarten, I found myself not wanting to leave! Those little people are so awesome. Having a bad day? Hang out with a five-year-old for a few minutes and you'll feel better, guaranteed. Their excitement for learning is absolutely contagious! I wish I could bottle it up and keep it forever. I'm super-psyched to hang out with my second-graders this spring, but it's nice to know that my kindergarten people will be right down the hall =]

It's been kind of a tough month for our family in a lot of ways, so I'm extra glad that the holidays are in full swing! I love this time of year. Our tree is up and stockings are hung. It's so exciting to make Landon part of our holiday traditions! 

Speaking of that little booger, he's been doing some serious growing. He's weighing in at 16 pounds these days, and is plowing through baby food and cereal like a tank. Santa Clause is definitely going to be bringing him some nine-month clothes!

Hoping to be a little more diligent in keeping up with this blog now that I have about five minutes of my life back. But enough about me-- how are you?


five months old

You're five months old! Almost half of a year has passed since you were born. Crazy, right? Crazy.

This month saw the end of the boobs, and it kills me. You don't really seem to care. Your little eyes have been opened to the big wide world of baby food, and you're not looking back. I still feel tinges of mommy-guilt every time I fix you a bottle, and it just plain sucks! It probably sounds silly to most people, but I feel like I'm mourning the loss of a special bond with you that I will never get back. I guess four months of boobs is better than none at all, and you're happy and healthy and that's all that matters. 

We've made it to six month clothes! You were only 13 pounds at your last appointment, but I have a feeling you're pushing sixteen or so by now. Your appetite is practically insatiable, and you're finally sleeping through the night (woop woop!), which means my boy is doing some serious growing! Part of me is sad to pack away all of your too-small clothes, but it's exciting to look forward to all that the coming months will bring.

It's official-- you're sleeping in your own bed! Daddy usually puts you down around 9 or 10, and you sleep until about 4-- sometimes even 6:30! Now don't get me wrong, I'm still a sucker for some momma-baby snuggle time, but it's nice to get a good night's sleep once in a while, too.

We packed up the swing and replaced it with a jumperoo this month! You don't totally appreciate it yet (mostly because you haven't figured out how to jump in it), but I have a feeling it will be a new favorite in the coming weeks.

The only thing you really care about right now is chewing-- ON EVERYTHING. A couple of wittle teeth are trying to break through on the bottom, which means anything you can get your hands on goes straight to your mouth-- momma's hair, blankies, toys, your own fists... And apparently teething = fever = diaper rash, so it's been a really good time in the Kozlowski house. Not.

This month brought with it your first halloween! You went with Daddy to the Mummer's Day Parade, and we bundled you up in a super cute monster hat! You were too small for most of the halloween costumes we found, and this momma isn't crafty enough to make one soooo the hat will have to do.

You are a ROLY POLY and dyyyying to sit up! I have a feeling it won't be long! It's so exciting, watching you learn new things each day, coming into your own. I'm almost afraid to blink! I can't believe it's been five beautiful months already. Love you, sweet boy <3