

Friday Facts: Too White For Zumba

Fact #1 I am too white for Zumba. But I continue to go and make a fool out of myself because, well, someone has to be that white girl (and it's a lot more fun than running on the treadmill). Here I am! Enjoy the confidence boost while I awkwardly booty-drop on the off-beat.

Fact #2 If there were a Hoarders: Computer Edition, I would be the first person on the show. Assemble the intervention team now. In an effort to organize and protect my digital life, I invested in an external hard drive and attempted to backup all of my pictures/docs/MYLIFE last night and almost had a panic attack. Thank God for my husband for a) teaching me how to use it and b) not leaving me because I'm obsessive-compulsive and clearly a psycho.

Fact #3 I didn't just pass the Praxis, I KILLED IT. I've been freaking out for months about those tests and the results are finally in: 182, 192, 193, out of 200. Only needed a 160 to pass. BOOM.

Fact #4 As long as someone (please, for the love of God) hires me in the fall, I only have to work at Outback for 24 more weeks. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! I can almost see it! Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I have a job and the money to support my family. HOWEVER, I've worked there for over three years now. It's time.

Fact #5 The last five pounds of baby weight, a.k.a. the spare tire around my waist, need to go! Summer is not very far away and it would be nice to wear a bikini without feeling like a whale. My historically-high metabolism is really failing me these days, and I'm basically too lazy to do real exercise (making a fool out of myself in Zumba doesn't exactly count). Do they make diet Nutella?

Fact #6 Since, let's face it, I probably won't get around to writing Landon's nine month post in the foreseeable future, you should know that his head is in the 99th percentile. In the words of our pediatrician, "If there was a 100th percentile, he would be in it." Big head = lots of brains? I knew he would be smart like his momma. Did I mention he's cruising the furniture these days? Watch out, world! Baby genius on the move.

P.S. Fact #7 This is ridiculous. I just cry-laughed while it played on repeat roughly seventy times. Happy weekend =]




Is it just me, or are January and February the dreariest months of the year? There's just something about them-- like they're gray and cold and downright depressing. Not to wish the year away or anything, but I'm kind of really glad they're over! Spring is just around the corner, which means vacation is just around the corner, which means graduation is just around the corner, which means OHMYGOSHI'LLHAVEMYLIFEBACK!

At least, a little bit.

I've had zero time to breathe, let alone blog, recently, so I'm practically bursting with things to say.. which you may or may not care about, but this is my corner of the world so HA! you don't make the rules.

First, there's this:

I am recently obsessed with this little nugget, thanks to one of the awesome bloggers I regularly stalk-read. How can you not love this kid? This video is partly responsible for pulling me through the Jan/Feb slump. We were made to be awesome.

Which brings us to this:

While my time at Penn State only accounts for the first third of my college journey (and 100% of my student loans-- yikes), it is a community that will always have a special place in my heart-- particularly when it comes to THON. Penn State Dance Marathon is the single largest student-run philanthropy in the world, and has raised over $100 million since its conception in the 1970s to fund research and care for pediatric cancer patients through the Four Diamonds Fund. Fundraising efforts culminate in a 46-hour dance marathon every February. This year, we raised $12.3 million FOR THE KIDS! I can't help but be Penn State Proud =]

And then, on a totally unrelated note, there's this:

I am going absolutely CRAZY, waiting for JT to release his new CD! Slightly obsessed. I've also been doing a lot of The Lumineers and Alabama Shakes lately. The fact that windows-down jam-sesh season is only about two months away is SO EXCITING.

Then, there are my second grade rugrats-- love them! Almost halfway through this student-teaching experience and it's going really well. Definitely keeping me busy, hence the slacker-status in the blog department, but here's the bottom line-- this isn't just student-teaching. This is a 14-week long, live, in-person interview. This is my one and only shot at being the kind of teacher that will get hired in the fall. Let's hope I'm getting it right?

And then there's my mini. He isn't so mini anymore! He's 9 months old today and dying to conquer the standing and walking thing. He is a pretty unhappy camper these days, thanks to two front teeth coming in. His little life currently revolves around grilled cheese, baby jail, and the unicorn song (Good Night, Sleep Tight Kidsongs video, anyone?) and I promise I will share some pictures if/when I get around to his nine-month post. His first birthday is rapidly approaching, and this momma has lots of Seuss-themed ideas up her sleeve =]

And now.... it's 2:40 in the morning and I have to be up in four hours. Oops.

So what's new with you?

Happy Tuesday!