

Spread the Love!

The month of February elicits the "warm fuzzies" -- all the ooey-gooey love stuff that my third graders make faces at because most of them still believe in cooties. Thank God.


But in the spirit of "warm fuzzies," we are celebrating February with a Random Acts of Kindness project! In a culture of bullying and girl drama that ages them about ten years, it's refreshing to spend time thinking about ways we can choose "kind" over less desirable alternatives. We kicked things off with a little help from our friend, Kid President:

THIS is my favorite part of my job. The heart of teaching is hardly about math or science or reading-- it's about the people they're growing up to be. And in the process, it's a healthy reminder of the kind of people we-- ADULTS-- should try to be! Say "please" and "thank you," agree to disagree, give high-fives, celebrate the awesome... offer someone a surprise corn dog once in a while. 

Spread the love!


"If you can't think of anything nice to say, you aren't thinking hard enough!"
[Kid President]

Week Three

The list for Week Three was "The Things You Should be Proud Of." Rather than making a list of all of those things, I tacked it up on a wall of my classroom that sums it up pretty well :)

One of the first spaces I created in my classroom was my Inspiration Board. It began with just a colorful fabric, and some of my favorite quotes. Over the year, it has become an area that houses family pictures, pieces of special moments, pictures and notes from my kids-- all of the stuff that reminds me how lucky I am to do what I do every day.

So often, we're discouraged from being proud. While it isn't exactly becoming to showboat about every little thing, I think we all deserve the affirmation of shouting our awesomeness from the rooftops once in a while, you know? So here it is:

I am proud of the life I am building for my family.
I am proud of how hard I've worked to get to where I am.
I am proud of the work I do and the little people I am lucky enough to spend my days with.
I am proud of the opportunities I've had.
I am proud of who I am right now, and of whatever may lie ahead.

Stay warm out there!